Morbi also known as Morvi is located in the Saurashtra region in Gujarat. The name of the city literally means City of Peacocks. The town of Morbi is endowed not only with great natural beauty but it is also famous for its colorful history and rich cultural heritage. Indeed the numerous architectural edifices that have stood the test of time speak gloriously about its rich past and because of them....
Morbi also known as Morvi is located in the Saurashtra region in Gujarat. The name of the city literally means City of Peacocks. The town of Morbi is endowed not only with great natural beauty but it is also famous for its colorful history and rich cultural heritage. Indeed the numerous architectural edifices that have stood the test of time speak gloriously about its rich past and because of them the town is often referred as Paris of the East. This festival is celebrated by fasting and as Lord Krishna is believed to have been born at midnight, devotees stay up till then to sing devotional songs, dance to them and exchange sweets to celebrate his birth. During this festival a public fair is organized every year in the city by a Private group named 'Young India Group.' The fair has so much fun activities to do like lots of fun rides for adults, same amount of rides for children, also Food and Beverages stalls, cultural activities, Local Vendors Handicraft stalls, Toy Stalls, Entertainment Shows and Musical Shows Performs everyday by famous music artists and singers.
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-Different types of rides,
-food stalls,
-shopping stalls
Cultural Activities,
Entertainment Activities
Musical Activities.
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Organized By
Young India Group
Sanjay Chavda
Kamdhenu Party Plot, Kandla Highway, Morbi
How to reach
The nearest airport is Rajkot Airport,
which is 70 KMs away.
The nearest convenient railway station is Morbi Junction,
which is 4 KMs away.
The nearest major city is Morbi Bus Port,
which is 4KMs away.