Jamnangar Lok Mela (also known as Shravani Lok Mela) celebrated every year in Jamnagar. This Fair organised by Jamnagar Corporation, starts from the day of Janmashtami till the end of Shravan Month. Approx. four to five lakh people visit this fair every year.
The fair of Jamnagar is famous among the villagers/ traders....
Jamnangar Lok Mela (also known as Shravani Lok Mela) celebrated every year in Jamnagar. This Fair organised by Jamnagar Corporation, starts from the day of Janmashtami till the end of Shravan Month. Approx. four to five lakh people visit this fair every year.
The fair of Jamnagar is famous among the villagers/ traders/ artists/ tourists. The main purpose of this fair is to create opportunities for businesses/ traders/ artists. The villagers from nearby places also come to celebrate this fair. There are enormous stalls for exiting shopping, delicious food, adventurous rides, cultural performances, and other events to engage visitors. In Addition, there are some stalls of Fire Department, Primary Health Centers and Narcotics Department to spread the awareness in public on fire safety, health and hygiene and about the problems that arise from drug use etc. among the visitors.The other attraction points for visitors of this mela include Archaeological Museum Jamnagar, Khijadia Bird Sanctuary, Marine National Park – Pirotan, Ranmal Lakhota Lake and other religious places . The visitors enjoy every bit of the celebration which includes joy rides, delicious food stalls, art, and cultural activities. Succulent snacks are the foremost attraction to the food lovers. The fair is the combination of art, culture, and spirituality, it is indeed an incredible experience to pay a visit to the place during the fair time.
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Different types of rides along with food stalls, cultural shows and various
events for entertainment.
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Organized By
Jamnagar Municipal Corporation
Incharge Karyapalak Engineer Shri Mukeshbhai Varanva
Jubilee Garden, Lal Bangla Circle, Jamnagar
How to reach
The nearest airport is Jamanagar,
which is 7 KMs away.
The nearest convenient railway station is Jamnagar Junction,
which is 3 KMs away.
The nearest major city is Jamnagar Bus Port,
which is 00KMs away.