The Bengali New Year or Naba Barsha is celebrated in April throughout West Bengal. The Bengali year starts from the first Baisakh (mid-April). The Bengalis celebrate the New Year by wearing new clothes, visiting the temples and the usual exchange of greetings and sweets.The Bengali calendar is tied to the Indian solar calendar, based on the Surya Siddhanta. All Bengali Hindus follow the traditiona....
The Bengali New Year or Naba Barsha is celebrated in April throughout West Bengal. The Bengali year starts from the first Baisakh (mid-April). The Bengalis celebrate the New Year by wearing new clothes, visiting the temples and the usual exchange of greetings and sweets.The Bengali calendar is tied to the Indian solar calendar, based on the Surya Siddhanta. All Bengali Hindus follow the traditional date of 15 April as Poila Boishakh. The length of a year is counted as 365 days, as in the Gregorian calendar. However, the actual time taken by the earth in its revolution around the sun is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 47 seconds. Its celebrated across the Kolkata and the entire State.